Sunday, January 24, 2010

A (Satur)Day in the Life of Kayla

I'm up! Rise and shine, Mommy!

I wake up happy.

Brushin' my teeth.

Mommy says this clock is 15 minutes fast, so I was up early!

Doing my morning puzzle.

Ready to get dressed.

All dressed and wanting to play with my Cheerios book.

When I saw this, I said, "a-men" (because the bears are holding hands).

Breakfast time.

Ready to go get Mommy's coffee and run a couple errands.

Reading a book and snacking on more cereal!

My favorite way to fall asleep--nursing and holding Mama's hair.

My morning nap (Mommy forgot to take pictures of my 2nd nap).

My lunch (leftover chicken pasta).

I preferred Mommy's lunch (leftover pizza).

Time to color.

I'm getting good at this!

Playing with Mommy.

Running to Mommy.

This is how Mommy knows I'm really getting sleepy!

Dinner out with Mommy & Daddy

Running errands.

Bathing me and my doll.

My doll was ready for a bath.

Out of the tub and checking out my new toothbrush.
I didn't actually want to use it!

A little more playtime before bedtime.

One more puzzle.

This is why Mommy calls me the Carpet Inspector.
Do you see anything? Neither did Mommy!

Ready for my bedtime stories!

First I flip through them, then Mommy reads them.

Tonight while she reads, I am doing this...

...and I'm quite pleased with myself. :)

Mommy wanted to get a picture of me after I fell asleep
but she fell asleep too. Oh well. We had a great day.

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